
Birthday Evite Blunder: Mom Accidentally Invites 487 People!

Picture this: Emily King was simply planning a relaxed first birthday party for her daughter at a local park in San Jose, California. What was meant to be a modest gathering soon spiraled into an event that hundreds of people, including complete strangers, knew about—all thanks to a small mishap with a digital invitation.

"I just wanted to pick who to invite from my contacts," Emily explained in a TikTok video that captivated over 12 million viewers. She intended to selectively import contacts for the event but accidentally invited all 487 people in her phonebook. This list included her boss, coworkers, and a colorful array of contacts named with unique reminders such as 'Derek Eye Roll' and 'Jess Hit Her Car In Parking Lot.' Emily humorously recounted, "Just think about everyone in your phone and how they're labeled. Then imagine them getting invitations."

The video quickly sparked a massive response with over 23,000 comments on TikTok. Some of the comments: "This should qualify you for witness protection." "Note to self: never use evite." "Evite needs to sponsor this party." You can watch the video here:


If you recevied an invitation, no you didnt. 🫣

♬ original sound - Em, IV, Montie, & Ren

The preparations for the birthday began early, as Emily, who is also 20 weeks pregnant, wanted to focus the day on her daughter. She planned a "Lord of the Rings"-themed party and intended to email about 50 guests. Her plan took a turn when she mistakenly imported her entire contact list while trying to add guests from a previous event.

As soon as she realized the mistake, Emily frantically deleted the invite, but not before experiencing a moment of sheer panic. "All the blood drained from my body," she admitted. Reviewing the guest list, she saw names stretching back 15 years, including old flames and casual acquaintances she hoped to never contact again.

Among the unintended invitees were 'Derek Eye Roll,' a former tutor, and 'Justin Delta Sky Lounge,' a guy she met on a flight. There was also 'Jess Hit Her Car In Parking Lot,' someone Emily definitely hoped wouldn't RSVP. "Now I'm worried she's going to follow up," Emily confessed.

Through a mix of dread and amusement, Emily's ordeal serves as a whimsical cautionary tale about the pitfalls of digital invitations.